Wholesale Market Subtropical F&V Report - Detroit, MI
DETROIT Terminal Prices as of 25-NOV-2020                                      
Provided by:  Specialty Crops Market News                                      
              Federal - State Market News Service, USDA.                       
Phone:  (313) 841-5370     Fax:  (313) 841-8310                                

Weather at 7:00 am Overcast 39                                                 
Yesterday's High 41                                                            
No reports will be issued on Thursday, November 26, 2020 in observance of the
Thanksgiving Day Holiday.  The next report will be issued on Friday,
November 27, 2020 when the market reopens.                                                                                

MISC TROPICAL FRUIT AND VEG                                                    
---ALOE LEAVES: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   10 lb cartons FL 17.50-18.50 27 lb cartons  
MX 16.50                                                                       
---BANANA FLOWERS: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT.   35-40 lb containers MX 34.00        
---BATATAS: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   40 lb sacks FL lge 52.00                        
---BREADFRUIT: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   40 lb cartons DR 38.00                       
---CALABAZA: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   50 lb sacks CR 28.00 MX 21.00                  
---CHAYOTE: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   30 lb cartons CR 60s 30.00 Prickly Type 60s     
28.00 40 lb cartons MX 60s 27.50                                               
---COCONUTS: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   25 lb cartons TL Young Type 10s 23.00 Dry 9s   
25.00-28.50 mostly 26.00-27.00 40 lb cartons MX Fresh 24s 35.00-36.00 white 40 
lb sacks DR Dry 40s 37.00-40.00 mostly 38.00-39.00 MX Water 24s offerings      
insufficient to quote Fresh 20s 50.00 white                                    
Flesh 9s 42.00 ord cond 15.00                                                  
---GINGER ROOT: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT.   30 lb cartons BR 58.00 CQ 70.00 5 lb   
sacks BR 13.50                                                                 
---JACKFRUIT: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT.   36-40 lb cartons per lb MX 2 count       
---JICAMA: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   38-40 lb containers CR 24.00 MX 24.00            
---MALANGA: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   36 lb cartons CR Blanca med 38.00 MX Blanca med 
31.00-32.00 Lila med 32.00-33.00 40 lb cartons CR Lila med 36.00-38.00 mostly  
37.00 purple EC Blanca med offerings insufficient to quote Lila med offerings  
insufficient to quote                                                          
---SAPOTE: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT.   25 lb cartons MX White Flesh 20s offering   
insufficient to quote                                                          
---SUGARCANE: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   40 lb bundles FL bchd 10s 24.00 Red bchd 10s  
22.00 MX bchd 10s 15.00 50 lb cartons FL 50.00 12 4-oz pkgs 32.00 MX 12s 30.00 
---TAMARINDO: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   25 lb cartons loose MX 51.00 40 lb cartons TL 
Sweet 58.00 cartons 16 1-lb packages TL Sweet 68.00                            
---TARO: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   30 lb containers CR Eddoes sml 64.00 peeled 36 lb  
cartons CR Eddoes med 32.00 fineappear 40.00 40 lb sacks CQ Eddoes med 44.00 CR
Dasheen (Coco, Islena) med offerings insufficient to quote MX Dasheen (Coco,   
Islena) med 19.00-19.50 fineappear 28.00-28.50 16 kg cartons EC Eddoes med     
offerings insufficient to quote                                                
---TOMATILLOS: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT.   18 lb containers MX 10.00 20 lb         
containers MX 32.00 peeled 38 lb reusable plastic containers (RPC) FL          
22.00-26.00 mostly 24.00-25.00 MX 20.00-20.50 bushel cartons FL 22.00-26.00    
mostly 24.00-25.00 as low as 18.00 MI 18.00 MX 18.50 fineappear 30.00-32.00    
---TUMERIC: OFFERINGS LIGHT.   10 lb cartons MX Orange Type 25.00              
cartons/crates MX Orange Type 18.00 per lb JM Orange Type 4.00                 
---YAMS (NAMES): OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT.   36 lb cartons JM Yellow 42.00-46.00   
mostly 44.00-45.00 40 lb cartons CR Blanca 34.00-36.00 mostly 35.00            
---YUCA (CASSAVA): OFFERINGS LIGHT.   WAXED 37 lb cartons CR lge 28.00 40 lb   
cartons MX lge 18.00-20.50 mostly 19.00                                        


MISC TROPICAL FRUIT AND VEG                                                    
---GINGER ROOT: 30 lb cartons MX 58.00